Thanks for completing

Your details

Please enter your full name.
Please enter a valid email address.
Please enter a valid phone number.

Account details to pay the refund into

Please enter the account holder's name as it appears on their bank account.
Please enter a valid 6-digit sort code.
Please enter a valid 8-digit bank account number.

St. James’s Place Wealth Management are the data controllers of any personal data you provide to us on this form and St. James’s Place Wealth Management have a legal obligation to comply with applicable data protection legislation.

Purposes for which the data may be used

We will use the details you have provided on this form to make a refund payment to you. We will hold these payment details securely for a period of up to 3 years to enable us to facilitate any potential future refunds relating to the provision of your ongoing servicing.

We will be using approved third parties who have been through the St. James’s Place Wealth Management due diligence process to facilitate the payment process.

Your rights and how to contact us

For further information on our uses of your personal data, and your rights in relation to your personal data, please see the Privacy Policy of St. James’s Place Wealth Management, which can be accessed at

Should you have any enquiries relating to the personal data that we may hold about you or how your personal data is processed, you can contact the St. James’s Place Data Protection Officer at

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Please check the payment reference in your letter and try again

Please check the payment reference as this one has already been used. If you do not believe it has been used by you, please contact the Client Remidiation team via the phone number in the letter you received.